Saturday, August 5, 2017

Trump sanctions set stage for necessary regime change

Trump sanctions set stage for necessary regime change

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #Iran #NCRI  #IRGC# Iranian Opposition

Trump administration — eager for legislative accomplishments in the wake of the GOP failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act — can take credit for turning the page on failed Obama-era policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran. 
The bipartisan passage of the long-anticipated sanctions bill by both houses of Congress allows the administration to take aim at rogue regimes in Iran, Russia and North Korea. Disagreements over U.S. policy toward Russia notwithstanding, the White House can be confident that legislators overwhelmingly support confronting threats emanating from Iran and North Korea and are prepared for even stronger measures to curtail the influence of these dangerous regimes.
The White House should now build on the successful passage of sanctions legislation to push for regime change in Tehran as an appropriate next step.
Trump sanctions set stage for necessary regime change in Iran

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