Wednesday, June 28, 2017

MEK: The Opposition the Iranian Regime Wants to Silence

#Iran  #MaryamRajavi #Iran  #PMOI #MEK# Rajavi- - #1988Massacre

For the Iranian regime, staying power means oppressing all voices that challenge their rule, particularly the human rights abuses and strict laws on everything from who you can socialize with to how you dress in public. Yet, one group has been the main focus of the regime’s efforts to suppress and undermine their voice in support of a free Iran. That group is the MEK.
When the MEK was removed from the U.S. list of terrorist groups, Iranian regime House Speaker Ali Larijni said during his speech on June 23, “Now it’s you (the United States) who are sponsor of terrorism and even mother of terrorism, yet you accuse the Iranian regime of sponsoring terrorism. Your accusations are shameful…Today, the Americans removed the MEK from their list of terrorist groups.”
After adding a few more claims against the MEK, the article went on to reveal the regime’s fear of another uprising, such as those that occurred in July 1999 and 2009. “The group’s (MEK’s) increased activities and their efforts for creating chaos and making a creeping coup was so intense over a period of time that many thought it was over for the regime on July 9, 1999. Their coordination was even further revealed during the 2009 uprising,” said the Fars news agency


#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian 

INU - Over 100,000 dignitaries, politicians and activists will gather in Paris this Saturday to support the Iranian people and their call for regime change in Iran at the Free Iran rally.
The annual rally, organised by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), has attracted supporters of the Resistance from around the world, as far afield as Saudi royalty, US lawmakers, and European national security experts.
The MEK can be traced back over 40 years, before the fall of the Iranian Shah in 1979. They helped to overthrow Shah Reza Pahlavi’s in the hopes of establishing a democratic government who would rule on behalf of the Iranian people, however, this was not to be.
In 1988, Khomenei issued a fatwa that ordered the execution of political prisoners, who were mainly members of the MEK. This began the greatest crime against humanity since WW2.
On Iran Focus, Jubin Katiraie wrote: “The regime convened what came to be known as the Death Commission, assigning three judges the task of briefly interviewing prisoners to determine whether they retained any sympathy for the MEK or harboured any resentment toward the existing government. Those who were deemed to have shown any sign of continued opposition were sentenced to be hanged.

Should IRGC Go on the Terror List?

#Iran #Khamenei #Terrorism #IRGC-#BlackListIRGC

London, 27 Jun - When the Iranian Regime launched its failed missile attacks on ISIS militants in Deir ez-Zour, Syria, supposedly in retaliation for the recent terror attacks in Tehran, but failed to notify the US-backed troops who were fighting ISIS on the ground, it sent a message.
Iran doesn’t want to destroy terrorist organisations, indeed they back quite a few; they just want control of the Middle East.
Ramazan Sharif, a general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) confirmed as much when he spoke to the Regime-affiliated news media.
He said: “The Saudis and Americans are especially receivers of this message. Obviously and clearly, some reactionary countries of the region, especially Saudi Arabia, had announced that they are trying to bring insecurity into Iran.”

European Parliament Condemns Human Rights Violation in Iran

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian 

London, 27 Jun - In a statement, dated Monday June 26, 265 members across all political parties in the European Parliament have come together to condemn the egregious human rights violations in Iran.
The statement read: “When the issue of human rights violations, repression of women and minorities and the Iranian regime’s support of terrorism are concerned, we are all united.”
The signatories, including 4 vice-presidents and 23 chairs of various commissions and delegations, have called for an inquiry into the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran, who were mainly members of the Iranian Resistance group, the MEK.
It read: “We have called on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Human Rights Council to set up a commission of inquiry into the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran.”

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Trump is right to focus on Iran's support of terrorism

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian

Despite the criticism directed at the Trump White House, the administration is to be commended for important changes in U.S. policy toward Iran since taking office.
The Trump administration has made great strides in shifting from the conciliatory gestures of the Obama years to a much firmer stance that acknowledges American intolerance for violent extremism, human rights violations and the support of terrorism. Leading administration figures have repeatedly taken to the airwaves to broadcast this message and carried it with them on official trips abroad. Today the messaging is resonating with officials from both parties and in elite policy circles.
The time has never been better for the White House to focus on Iran’s support of terrorism.

Warnings for White House on terror designation for Iran Revolutionary Guard

Free Iran Rally & the Role of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK)

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian

By Jubin Katiraie
A major gathering is being held at the Villepinte Exhibition Center outside of Paris, France. The gathering is focused on Iran policy and at the center of the case is the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran. The People’s Mojahedin is also known by its Persian name, Mojahedin-e Khalq or MEK and it is the main constituent group in the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the leading coalition advocating for the cause of regime change driven by the Iranian people and their expatriate allies.
The Free Iran rally has been growing every year. The 2017 gathering is expected to keep pace with the previous few years, with upwards of 100,000 supporters of the MEK traveling to France from throughout the world. Naturally, the participants will mostly represent Iranian expatriate communities, but each year’s event also draws hundreds of politicians and foreign policy experts who recognize the global value of the MEK and the 10-point plan that NCRI President Maryam Rajavi has laid out for the future of Iran.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Iranian Resistance President Advocates Expelling Extremists

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #Iran #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian

London, 6 Jun - The leader of the Iranian Resistance, Maryam Rajavi, advocated for the expulsion of the Iranian Regime and their terror squad, the Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) from the Middle East in order to achieve peace and stability.
Rajavi made this speech at the Interfaith Solidarity against Extremism gathering on Saturday, June 3, at the central office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Auvers-Sur-Oise, which was attended by prominent figures from around the Middle East, including Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Jordan, and Algeria.
She expressed her sorrow at the horrors that plague those affected by the Fundamentalist Regime in Iran, whether they be the Iranian people themselves, the people whose countries they invaded or the people affected by the terrorist acts around the globe that are done by or for the Regime.


#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #Iran #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian

During the summer of 1988 in Iran, some 30,000 political prisoners, the majority of whom were MEK members or sympathizers, were executed. The year is the 29th anniversary of the 1988 massacre.

Last summer, an audio tape was published by the son of Hossein-Ali Montazeri. August 9, 2016, the recording was heard for the first time, and on it Khomeini’s former heir can be heard telling a meeting of members of the “Death Committee” that they are carrying out a crime against humanity, 28 years ago, on August 15, 1988.

Are U.S and Iran moving towards a military conflict?

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #Iran #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian

America should eliminate all the works #Obama appeasement
With Iranian mullahs،  If this is the case It helps
 to spread the #Iranian mullahs' terrorism.

On June 19, Iran Launched 7 medium-range ballistic missiles targeting ISIS in Syria. The same day a US Navy Super Hornet shot down a Syrian Su-22. On June 20, a USAF F-15E blasted Iranian Shahed-129 armed drone out of the sky. The drone was shot down as it advanced toward the coalition-backed rebel outpost of At Tanf, near the southern Syrian border. In addition, Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, in a speech, harshly attacked the US and posted hostile tweets. “That US arms a terrorist group is what causes instability. Who created #ISIS? The US!... That the US joined the anti-ISIS coalition is a lie. They're against an unrestrained ISIS but agree with a controlled ISIS…US president accuses Iran of terrorism, while terrorism in this region has American roots…” The supreme leader twitted.

U.S. Congress Sponsors Resolution Seeking Justice for MEK Members Massacred by Iran Regime in 1988

  #MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #Iran #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian
- #1988Massacre

London, 22 Jun - Forty-Six US Congressmen and women have sponsored a resolution which calls on the US Government and its allies across the world to publically condemn the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners and calls on the UN to launch an investigation into this crime against humanity.
Unlike much in Congress nowadays, Resolution 188 (officially titled: The condemnation of the Iranian government for the massacre of political prisoners in 1988 and the invitation to call for justice for the victims) receives wide bipartisan support.
The main victims of the massacre were members of the People's Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), an anti-fundamentalist group who espoused equal rights, a secular government and a ban on the death penalty, whom the Regime wanted to exterminate because the opposition was becoming too strong.


#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #Iran 30,000 political prisoners#NCRI #Resistance, Iranian

During the summer of 1988 in Iran, some 30,000 political prisoners, the majority of whom were MEK members or sympathizers, were executed. The year is the 29th anniversary of the 1988 massacre.

Last summer, an audio tape was published by the son of Hossein-Ali Montazeri. August 9, 2016, the recording was heard for the first time, and on it Khomeini’s former heir can be heard telling a meeting of members of the “Death Committee” that they are carrying out a crime against humanity, 28 years ago, on August 15, 1988.

Saturday, June 24, 2017


 #IRGC#Khamenei #Terrorism 

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #Iran #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian

Thirty years after President Reagan seized upon an historic opportunity to bring down the Iron Curtain, there are growing indications that President Trump can make similarly historic strides in the conflict between the US and the new Evil of our time: Islamic extremism. Ken Blackwell a Fellow of The National Academy of Public Administration and the Family Research Council wrote in ‘Huffington post’ on June 23, 2017. The following is the full text.
In its first five months, President Trump’s presidency has witnessed dramatic shifts from the policies normalized by the Obama administration. Few are as significant or wide-ranging as the changes in American dealings with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

 #Iran# IRGC #Iran's mullahs #Terrorism#Khamenei  
#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian.

We have witnessed over the past four decades Iran’s desperate need to create turmoil inside its own borders and abroad to quell dissent, justifying all measures to achieve this.
Through such a perspective we can analyze the unseen truth behind the events of the June 7th twin ISIS attacks in Tehran. The surfacing of more facts and evidence have raised speculation that this entire turn of events was a scenario blueprinted by Tehran.
Both parties benefited, with Tehran finding pretexts to portray itself the victim of terrorism and to thus justify any and all following actions domestically and abroad. And for ISIS, suffering major setbacks in Iraq and Syria, staging such an attack in the heart of Tehran would be a necessary boost in morale amongst its dwindling rank and files......

Struan Stevenson: Reprisals are not the answer to terror

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian

The Finsbury Park mosque attack in London is the latest horrific outrage to stun public opinion.

Muslim communities, to identify and root out extremist voices within. But following the Finsbury Park atrocity, should we also be calling for deeper engagement and surveillance within primarily white, British communities to root out extremists?

For example, in Paris on July 1, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) will be holding its annual Iran Freedom rally, which in recent years has been attended by upwards of 100,000 Iranian expatriates and their European supporters, including hundreds of dignitaries from political and academic circles in various nations of the world. Each such event reiterates the 10-point plan for democracy and justice promoted by NCRI President Maryam Rajavi, a Muslim like the overwhelming majority of the organization’s members. The plan calls for a truly secular democratic government in Iran, where religion is separated from the state, the death penalty is abolished and men and women have equal rights

Regime change in Iran appears increasingly attainable

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian

Needs Global security to change the regime of Iranian mullahs terrorist

Thirty years after President Reagan seized upon an historic opportunity to bring down the Iron Curtain, there are growing indications that President Trump can make similarly historic strides in the conflict between the US and the new Evil of our time: Islamic extremism.
In its first five months, President Trump’s presidency has witnessed dramatic shifts from the policies normalized by the Obama administration. Few are as significant or wide-ranging as the changes in American dealings with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Understanding The Threats Of Iran

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian 

Iranian mullahs are Threat to Arab countries Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Syria. Yemen

And for America ،With the spread of atomic missiles, ballistic missile weapons

  Support for terrorist groups. Hezbollah and Houthi,.

US President Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia and the Riyadh Summit, with leaders of over 50 Muslim nations taking part, was a major turning point in the Middle East’s balance of power. This development also signaled the end of eight years of the Obama administration’s unbridled appeasement vis-Ă -vis Iran. And Tehran has very specifically received the message.

U.S. Congress Sponsors Resolution Seeking Justice for MEK Members Massacred by Iran Regime in 1988

U.S. Congress Sponsors Resolution Seeking Justice for MEK Members Massacred by Iran Regime in 1988

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian 

London, 22 Jun - Forty-Six US Congressmen and women have sponsored a resolution which calls on the US Government and its allies across the world to publically condemn the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners and calls on the UN to launch an investigation into this crime against humanity.

The main victims of the massacre were members of the People's Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), an anti-fundamentalist group who espoused equal rights, a secular government and a ban on the death penalty, whom the Regime wanted to exterminate because the opposition was becoming too strong.

Last year, the Iranian Resistance, which includes the MEK as its largest group, revealed the names of 59 current Regime officials who were involved in the massacre of the MEK, including “Justice” Minister Mostafa Pourmohammadi. Head of the Supreme Disciplinary Court for Judges Hossein-Ali Nayyeri, and Ebrahim Raisi, a member of the Assembly of Experts and 2017 presidential candidate.

Iran Regime's Ballistic Missile Programme: Exposed by MEK Intelligence Network

#MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #NCRI #Resistance, Iranian 

London, 22 Jun - The Iranian Resistance group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held a press conference in Washington on Tuesday, to expose the real threat of the Iranian Regime’s ballistic weapons programme.
Alireza Jafarzadeh, Deputy Director of the NCRI’s US office, said: “A dozen of these sites were revealed for the very first time. Among the 42 sites, 15 are part of the regime’s missile manufacturing network. These 15 centres include several factories related to a missile industry group and together form a web of dozens of missile production facilities.”

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Youth Supporters of MEK: Responsibility to Attend Iranian Opposition Convention - See more at:

Support for Maryam Rajavi - Paris -1 in July 

( #FreeIran )
#Iran  #MaryamRajavi#Iran  #PMOI #MEK# Rajavi

On July 1st thousands of Iranians will gather in Paris to support the movement to obtain freedom and democracy for their homeland. The convention is organized each year by the Iranian opposition movement (PMOI/MEK). Iranian youth especially look forward to this event as it’s a time to come together and support human rights. - See more at:

iranian youth.


#Tillerson  S#yria, #Iraq #Yemen,  #support for Hezbolla
#IranIRGC #Iran's mullahs #Terrorism

INU - There are many around the world who are pondering what the correct diplomatic response to the Iranian Regime should be and even those at those in charge of foreign policy aren’t entirely sure, given Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson’s recent comment that the US’s Iran policy is “under development.”
Tillerson said: “It’s not yet been delivered to the president, but I would tell you that we certainly recognize Iran’s continued destabilizing presence in the region, their payment of foreign fighters, their export of militia forces in Syria, in Iraq, in Yemen, their support for Hezbolla

What Is the Right Policy Towards Iran and the MEK?

#Iran  #MaryamRajavi#Iran  #PMOI# Rajavi
#BlacklistIRGC  #FreeIran #MEK

It is sometimes now that many US officials have been talking about Iran and the actions that US must take towards Iran. In a hearing in the congress, the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, in response to a question about the US policy towards Iran said: “Well our Iranian policy is under development. It’s not yet been delivered to the president, but I would tell you that we certainly recognize Iran’s continued destabilizing presence in the region, their payment of foreign fighters, their export of militia forces in Syria, in Iraq, in Yemen, their support for Hezbollah. And we are taking action to respond to Iran’s hegemony. Additional sanctions actions have been put in place against individuals and others.”

Iran Opposition Unveils IRGC Missile Sites

#BlacklistIRGC #Iran #FreeIran #MEK.

Exposing Iran's Mullahs' Missile and Atomic Terrorist Plans
Serving the Iranian people & the Middle East.

Iran has been pursuing an extensive ballistic missile program through dozens of very important sites, including twelve unknown to this day and one specifically linked to its highly sensitive and controversial nuclear program, the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) revealed at a press conference Tuesday in Washington.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Youth Supporters of MEK: Responsibility to Attend Iranian Opposition Convention

 MEK, Maryam Rajavi, PMOI, NCRI, Resistance, Iranian 

On July 1st thousands of Iranians will gather in Paris to support the movement to obtain freedom and democracy for their homeland. The convention is organized each year by the Iranian opposition movement (PMOI/MEK). Iranian youth especially look forward to this event as it’s a time to come together and support human rights.
Too often we hear about the arrests, ill-treatment, and executions of Iran’s youth population.

iranian youth.

Onward With Iranian Resistance: Regime Change Is Within Reach

 MEK, Maryam Rajavi, PMOI, NCRI, Resistance, Iranian 

In Discussing Middle East Policy, US Should Acknowledge the Goal

#MEK #Iran  #Khamenei #Terrorism #IRGC

Middle East

Maryamrajavi     Rajavi  Iran  PMOI

The main threat of the Middle East are the Iranian mullahs Create insecurity
  They support terrorism Missiles spread ،They support terrorist groups
, Hezbollah, Hadesh al-Sha'bi Houthiyin

The election of Donald Trump last year set the stage for major changes in U.S. foreign policy and particularly American policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was clear on the campaign trail that Trump’s views on Iran could hardly be more different than those of his predecessor, Barack Obama. Almost six months into his first term the administration is now well positioned to lay the foundation for a lasting Middle East legacy by boldly embracing the goal of regime change in Tehran

In Discussing Middle East Policy, US Should Acknowledge the Goal of Regime Change

Monday, June 19, 2017

ANALYSIS: Iran’s future after new US sanctions

Maryamrajavi     Rajavi    Iran     MEK           PMOI

 The regime in Tehran continues to be in a state of shock after the passage of unprecedented United States Senate sanctions on Thursday targeting Iran’s ballistic missile program, support for terrorism in the Middle East and flagrant human rights violations.


What Is the Right Policy Towards Iran and the MEK?

#1988Massacre #Terrorism #BlackListIRGC #human rights

The world must act Against the largest massacre Political prisoners after World War II By the mullahs of #Iran.

we are the voice of those who said "No" to the henchman #1988Massacre . No to fundamentalism.

“We continually review the merits both from the standpoint of diplomatic but also international consequences of designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in its entirety as a terrorist organization,” he added. “As you know, we have designated the Quds [Force]. Our policy towards Iran is to push back on this hegemony, contain their ability to develop obviously nuclear weapons, and to work toward support of those elements inside of Iran that would lead to a peaceful transition of that government. Those elements are there, certainly as we know.”


Saturday, June 17, 2017

U.N.: Accountability of Perpetrators of 1988 Massacre of 30,000 Political Prisoners in Iran

#1988Massacre #crimes 

#Terrorism #Khamenei #MaryamRajavi #Mek

we are the voice of those who said "No" to the henchman. #1988Massacre.

Should be tried Iran's mullahs For war crimes In international courts. #1988Massacre# No2Rouhani.

IRAN, 17 June 2017 --Thirty-fifth session of the Human Rights Council  is already underway at the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva.

It is essential to hold accountable those, who exploited their power for the execution of thousands of political opponents