Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Iran: Call to Save 7 Prisoners on the Verge of Execution

 #MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #Iran #NCRI  #IRGC# Iranian Opposition

prisoners was 17 when he committed the alleged "crime"

Seven prisoners sentenced to death in Gohar Dasht (Rajaieh Shahr) Prison in Karaj, have been transferred to solitary confinement. These victims are faced with an imminent death threat. Mehdi Bohlouli, who is now on the verge of execution after serving 15 years of imprisonment, was only 17 when arrested and this is the fourth time he has been transferred to solitary confinement for implementation of the death sentence.
Taking prisoners to the gallows to witness the shocking scene of the execution of other prisoners is a common practice of torture in the prisons of Iranian regime.
Transferring the young prisoner, Mehdi Bohlouli for execution is taking place while the execution of Alireza Tajiki, a young prisoner who was 15 years old at the time of his arrest, sparked a wave of hatred inside and outside of Iran, and international human rights organizations called it shameful and shocking. Alireza Tajiki was hanged on August 10 after serving six years in prison under torture for compulsory confessions, and while his family's repeated requests for a retrial was ignored.

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