Wednesday, August 16, 2017


 #MEK #Maryam Rajavi #PMOI #Iran #NCRI  #IRGC# Iranian Opposition

Record Courier, Aug. 14, 2017 - Haven’t we learned yet that appeasement doesn’t work? I’m not talking about when the weak-kneed leaders of Britain and France went to Munich in 1938 and essentially gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler to buy a brief period of peace before Europe and the rest of the world went to war. 
I’m talking about our more recent dealings with Russian, Iran and North Korea.

Of course it took North Korea about 24 hours to break their promises. 
They’ve been working on their nukes ever since, and our presidents have been appeasing them ever since — when they’re not busy appeasing Iran’s religious thugs or Russia’s virtual dictator, Vladimir Putin
Remember Iran and its nuclear program? Remember how President Obama and everyone on the left fell over each trying to appease the ayatollahs? 
How’s that been working out? 
Obama basically told the Iranians “We don’t want you to have nuclear weapons today, but it’ll be OK for you to have them 20 years from now — when I’m out of office and it’ll be some other sucker’s problem.” 
Now we have Iran and North Korea helping each other perfect their nuclear weapons programs. 

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